Pakistan court lifts Musharraf travel ban

Peter Moi, a reporter for the New Nation newspaper, was shot dead after leaving work on Wednesday evening in the capital Juba (AFP Photo/Guillaume Lavalee)
 A court in Pakistan on Thursday lifted a government\’s travel ban on former military President Pervez, however, operation of the order will remain suspended for 15 days if the government files an appeal against the verdict.

The court on Thursday approved Musharraf\’s request to have his name removed from an Exit Control List.
The court\’s order can not be executed for 15 days, which gives the government time to appeal.
The former military ruler has said he wants to visit his sick mother in Dubai.
In March, Musharraf was indicted for treason.
The charge stems from his decision in 2007 to suspend the constitution and declare a state of emergency in his bid to extend his disputed rule as president.  If convicted, the 70-year-old former ruler could face the death penalty.
Musharraf seized power in a military coup in 1999 by ousting then prime minister Nawaz Sharif, and later forcing him into exile.
Musharraf stepped down in 2008 and went into self-imposed exile months later.
He returned to Pakistan last year to participate in the May elections, but was barred from doing so because of several legal challenges facing him.
Source –  Agencies
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