We Must Always Have War Because Magic


By David Swanson

\"\"This advertisement for permanent war appeared in my local newspaper today.


By pointing out this fact I am neither opposing working with religious groups that favor peace nor asserting that Martin Luther King Jr. was a warmonger.

But religious peace activists could, as far as anyone can tell, be peace activists without the religion.


This advertisement could NOT promote war without religion. Its entire basis for promoting war is religion, for which no substitute is imaginable.


Exactly like an argument for abolition of war, the ad begins by asking why we should engage in so much killing and destruction at such great expense, while other crises cry out for our attention.


Why? Because magic.

An ancient book says there must be war. And that settles it.


The same book says there must be mass murder of innocents and babies, slavery, death by stoning, cannibalism, and all sorts of other horrors.


Clearly one can attribute magical powers to that book and choose to ignore selected parts that our culture has outgrown.


Why not the part about war?

Because we have a culture of war, and religious support for it is only one part. But it\’s a part we can set aside if we choose to, in a process of learning to think more critically. And that could have far-reaching results.

Imagine all the people living life in peace.


David Swanson is an author, activist, journalist, and radio host. The views expressed in this article are the author\’s own and do not necessarily reflect The Times Of Earth\’s editorial policy.

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