Nepal, India monsoon rains kill scores

Indian boys wade through a flooded road as it rains in Jammu, India, Aug.16, 2014.
Torrential rains have triggered flash floods and landslides that have resulted in more than 75 deaths in India and Nepal, over the past few days.
Nepal\’s Home Ministry said Saturday that at least 53 people had been killed in a western region and 75 people were missing.
Officials also said flooded roads and landslides have prevented rescue workers from reaching people in remote villages. They say thousands of people are believed to be displaced.
Authorities in neighboring India say torrential rains have led to at least 24 deaths in Uttarakhand state since Friday.
South Asia\’s annual monsoon season, which runs from June through September, regularly claims lives.
In late July, heavy rains in western India sent hilltops sliding into villages below, killing more than 100 people.
Source: VOA and agencies
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