US, Russian astronauts fly Soyuz to ISS

A Soyuz rocket carrying two Russian cosmonauts and a US astronaut failed to dock as planned early Wednesday to the International Space Station, the Russian and US space agencies said Wednesday, citing a problem on approach.
A Russian Soyuz rocket took off from Kazakhstan Tuesday to fly two cosmonauts and a U.S. astronaut to the International Space Station.
Oleg Artemyev, Alexander Skvortsov, and Steve Swanson will spend the next six months aboard the station, carrying out a series of scientific experiments.
The current space station crew — a Russian, an American, and a Japanese astronaut — will return home in May.
Travelers to the orbiting outpost rely on the Russian Soyuz to take them to and from Earth since the United States retired the space shuttle fleet in 2011.
Source: Agencies
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