Proven Strategy to Prevent Turmoil in Ukraine

Riot police stand in a cordon facing a barricade of anti-government protesters in Kyiv, Feb. 3, 2014.
By Dr. Mykola Didukh and Dr. David Leffler
The political situation in Ukraine is extremely dangerous. Tensions are high. In the Parliament lie deep disagreements between the government and its opposition. Meanwhile in the streets of Kiev, violent confrontations have erupted between demonstrators and the police. If tensions continue rising, their resulting turmoil could further escalate into civil war.
In such dire situations, it is important to investigate all possible solutions – even an unusual approach. In many countries around the world, there is a growing interest in a novel but scientifically verified and military field-tested approach to reducing turmoil. Among military circles worldwide it is known as Invincible Defense Technology (IDT).
Social turmoil such as conflict, war and terrorism are ultimately human problems requiring a human solution. Experts in the field of conflict resolution maintain that their underlying cause is accumulated collective "social stress" – i.e., mounting political, religious and/or ethnic tensions between rival factions. As social stress builds collectively, divisions grow stronger, groups take sides, leaders are unable to resolve differences, and enemies arise within or outside the nation. Military and police force may then be invoked to protect the nation, resulting in conflict, terrorism, and unpredictable outcomes. But even if force temporarily solves the problem for the stronger side, the social stress remains, fueling future cycles of turmoil. In contrast, the absence of collective stress translates into the absence of tension between competing sides, thereby reducing the probability of hostilities.
Today, the military of Ukraine has an opportunity to overcome this cycle of turmoil by deploying a scientifically validated technology of defense that neutralizes social stress. IDT is based on the unified field of all the laws of nature – the most fundamental and powerful level of nature\’s functioning. The technology accesses and enlivens this unified field through subjective technologies of consciousness, thereby creating a profound influence of coherence and harmony throughout society that results in measurable reductions of crime, terrorism, and war.
The late Maharishi Mahesh Yogi revived systematic subjective technologies for experiencing the unified field, including the Transcendental Meditation program and its advanced techniques. They have been successfully applied by members of many faiths to eliminate conflict. Militaries in Latin America and Asia, as well as African countries like Mozambique, have already applied these non-lethal and non-destructive technologies to reduce collective societal stress and resulting conflict.
Over 50 research studies confirm that when the required threshold of IDT experts is crossed – approximately the square root of 1% of a given population – crime goes down, quality of life indices go up, and war and terrorism abate. Scientists have named this phenomenon the Maharishi Effect, since Maharishi Mahesh Yogi first predicted it. The causal mechanism appears to be a field effect of consciousness – a spillover effect on the level of the unified field from the peace-creating group into the larger population.
In 1983, a two-month Maharishi Effect intervention in Lebanon resulted in a 76% reduction in war deaths in neighboring Lebanon (p < 10-7) when group size exceeded the square root of 1% threshold  (Journal of Conflict Resolution). Seven subsequent, consecutive experiments over a two-year period during the peak of the Lebanon war found 
war-related fatalities decreased by 71% (p < 10-10)
war-related injuries fell by 68% (p < 10-6)
the level of conflict dropped by 48% (p < 10-8)
cooperation among antagonists increased by 66% (p < 10-6)
The likelihood that these combined results were due to chance is less than one part in 10 to the nineteenth (Journal of Social Behavior and Personality). A global-scale study published in the Journal of Offender Rehabilitation  documented a 72% drop in international terrorism.
The military of Ukraine is responsible for defending its citizens. As with other militaries, it can now succeed in its mission simply by creating a Prevention Wing – a group of IDT experts. The size of this Prevention Wing would be small – approximately the square root of 1% of the population of Ukraine. Only a small number of military personnel would be needed to staff this Prevention Wing.
As part of its responsibility to protect citizens, the military of Ukraine is obligated to thoroughly examine scientifically proven methods for preventing conflict, war and terrorism. With the IDT approach, all that is necessary is to provide the proper training for a group of military personnel – or indeed, any sizable group within the nation. The military of Ukraine has the opportunity today through IDT to prevent further turmoil, create national security, invincibility, and peace. But the time to act is now.
Mykola L. Didukh, Ph.D., is Postdoctoral Fellow at the National University of Kyiv Taras Shevchenko. Dr. Didukh and Dr. Leffler are teachers of the Transcendental Meditation program.

David Leffler, Ph.D., is Executive Director of the Center for Advanced Military Science (CAMS).  He served as an Associate of the Proteus Management Group at the Center for Strategic Leadership, US Army War College.

The views expressed in this article are the author\’s own and do not necessarily reflect The Times Of Earth\’s editorial policy. 
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