Afghan war most unpopular in US history: Poll
A new poll shows that the war in Afghanistan is even more unpopular among Americans than the war in Vietnam was more than 40 years ago.
The survey by CNN television and ORC International says just 17 percent of the American public support the Afghan war, while 82 percent oppose it.
This is drastically lower than the 52 percent who said they backed the war four years ago. It also says only about 30 percent believe the United States is winning in Afghanistan.
The CNN poll also says most Americans want U.S. troops out of Afghanistan before the end of 2014 – the deadline set by President Barack Obama.
A similar poll by The Washington Post and ABC News last week shows most people think the war has not been worth fighting.
According to the CNN survey, the Afghan war has less support among Americans than the war against communist North Vietnam had in the 1960s and 1970s. That war greatly divided the United States and led to massive peace rallies, violent protests on college campuses, and sent thousands of young men fleeing the country to avoid a military draft.
Source: VOA and agencies
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