Six killed in bomb attack on Yemen air force bus

A sign reading "Love is stronger than hate" is projected at Republique square as people attend a vigil to pay tribute to the victims of a shooting by gunmen at the offices of weekly satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo in Paris January 7, 2015. REUTERS/Y
At least six people have been killed in a bomb attack on a bus carrying members of Yemen\’s air force.
Witnesses and medics said 26 others were injured in Sunday\’s attack in Sanaa.
The bus was travelling on the road leading to Sanaa international airport, near the base, an official said.
The government is battling al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula militants who often target the military.
Air force spokesman Col Mahdi al-Aidarous said about 24 officers and soldiers were on the bus, the Associated Press news agency reports.
Earlier this month, suspected al-Qaeda militants killed five soldiers in an attack on a gas terminal in southern Yemen.
And in early August, the US closed 19 diplomatic missions in the Middle East and Africa in response to what it said was a threat of a terrorist attack.
Yemen\’s government is battling militants linked to al-Qaida, who regularly target the country\’s military.
Source: Agencies
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